Once again the Paul Magee Classic this year showed just how important and how inspiring the man whi the event is named in memory off was and remains for the entire Irish bowling community.
The event took place on Sunday, with almost 150 people taking part in what was a magnificant event. The festivities after the bowling were also testament to the incredible popularity which Paul held in life and continues to hold three years after his tragic death from motor neurone disease.
The majority of those who took part in the bowling celebrated throughout the day and into the night as Ireland's bowling community once again raised a glass in honour of a true hero, not only in bowling terms but in everything he did in life.
Many of Paul's family attended the event, and I'm sure they must have been delighted to see once more just how much he meant to so many people. It goes without saying, I'm sure, that seeing the incredible turnout again this year must have only increased the already immense pride they hold in their hearts for Paul.
A truly inspiring day which embodied the immense inspiration which stems from Paul's life and the affect which he had on so many people. Once again a magnificant day, and such huge thanks have to go out to those who organised the event again this year. It was simply the perfect way to honour the great man once more.
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